GPS Tracker is Driving the Automotive Industry Market Indonesia

GPS Tracker is Driving the Automotive Industry Market Indonesia

GPS Tracker is Driving the Automotive Industry Market Envisions friends, Have you ever heard of a GPS tracker? Basically, this device is a tracking device for motorized vehicles, such as cars and motorcycles. GPS tracker is different from GPS…

Power Monitoring and Smart Class solutions for Telkom University

Power Monitoring and Smart Class solutions for Telkom University

Power Monitoring and Smart Class solutions for Telkom University Before discussing power monitoring and smart class solutions at Telkom University, what is power monitoring? Power monitoring is the process of collecting power data and measuring power progress against program…

Ble Technology Becomes a Supporter of IoT Technology

Ble Technology Becomes a Supporter of IoT Technology

Ble Technology Becomes a Supporter of IoT Technology WHAT EXACTLY IS BLE (BLUETOOTH LOW ENERGY)?Hello, envisions friends, Maybe some of you have never heard of the term Bluetooth Low Energy.” Bluetooth Low Energy, or BLE, is the latest protocol…

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